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OK! I have a powerbook G4 running, logic - using a PreSonus Firepod (already has pre's - poor ones).

BUT i want to get a VMP4000e.

The only way I know of getting the signal from the Seb pre to my computer is through the Firepod's channels 3 through 8 using 1/4 TRS input.. - so it runs


I was told to turn the gain on the seb's up and the gain on the Firepod down? is this correct?

OR is there an easier way of doing it - prefererably whilst spending as little $$$ as possible!


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Markd102 Thu, 06/16/2005 - 17:42

the_gid wrote: The only way I know of getting the signal from the Seb pre to my computer is through the Firepod's channels 3 through 8 using 1/4 TRS input.. - so it runs


That's it!

the_gid wrote: I was told to turn the gain on the seb's up and the gain on the Firepod down?? is this correct?

Yeah. Start with the Firepod gains at about 9 o'clock. That should give you heaps.