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Hey Guys,

I'm considering purchasing a used JV-1080 from Long & McQuade here in Canada for $700 CAD and there are a couple of questions I would like some sort of answer to before I commit to this fine machine ;) :

1. Is there anything like "firmware" (anyone familiar with Digitech stuff will know what I mean) or internal software that should be up to date? If so, what was the last version number and is there still a way to update if the unit in question is "behind the times?"

2. Should this unit I'm scoping not come with a manual, is there an online source for the ACTUAL manual that was originally distributed with the machine? Does Roland still provide manuals for discontinued gear on a request basis?

3. Is there anything else I should be aware of in terms of technical issues that are related to age and wear?

I really appreciate any help you can give me...



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