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I have a firepod that I rushed out and bought (wish I would have waited) but I am not using because of Cubase. Cubase is a little more complicated that I had hoped and was a little dissappointed when I could use Audacity with the firepod. I understand why I cant use Audacity, but will the program Kristal work with the firepod? I have not used that either, but it seems a little less complicated than Cubase LE. Also, with this firepod...can it act as a PA system? Like could I use it for live music?


hueseph Mon, 02/18/2008 - 11:07

Kristal will work but, don't give up on Cubase LE! It's not that complicated. Really! Print out the PDF manual on the disk or from within Cubase and read it. Start with the "Getting Started" manual and work your way from there. Everything is step by step and there are plenty of diagrams. Once you get the hang of Cubase, you'll wonder how you ever got along with Audacity. Audacity is fine for stereo editing but even that can be done in Cubase with much more control and Real Time effects!

If you find Cubase confusing, Kristal will be no less confusing. If you have to go thru a learning curve, You might as well do it with Cubase.

hueseph Mon, 02/18/2008 - 15:50

Just put the CD into your drive and open it up in Explorer or Finder depending on Windows or OSX. If you browse the folders you should be able to find a PDF(acrobat) file complete with diagrams. If not you can download the PDF from Steinberg.

To give you a head start, the first thing you should do is ensure that you are using the correct ASIO or Core Audio driver. Go to Devices menu at the top of the screen/VST multitrack and ensure that either Firepod(or Presonus) ASIO or Firepod Core Audio is the selected driver.

Next go to Devices Menu/VST inputs and enable inputs 1 through 8.

Each track needs to be record enabled for you to record. Start from there and come back if you run into more obstacles.

anonymous Wed, 02/20/2008 - 17:06

Ok so I did that and was able to record from a mic and was pretty excited at how easy it was. So from there I tried getting sound to come out of my speaker as I was recording. here is was I did: I plugged in my 2 speakers into preamp output 1 and 2 and the volume drops very low. I cannot get it higher no matter what I do.

bent Wed, 02/20/2008 - 18:36

I plugged in my 2 speakers into preamp output 1 and 2

You should be coming out of the FP's Main CR (Control Room) output.

By monitor you mean speaker right? lol I don't know if there powered but I don't think they are lol.

Monitor = speaker, yes.

Powered Monitors have built in amps, and edison cables coming out of them that plug into the wall. Do yours have these?
If not, you need an Amplifier.

moisiss Wed, 02/20/2008 - 19:09

here is was I did: I plugged in my 2 speakers into preamp output 1 and 2 and the volume drops very low. I cannot get it higher no matter what I do.

I think you should be using the "main cr output" instead of the "preamp output".... that might be part of the problem. Then you can control the volume from the "main level" knob on the front.

Also, make sure you that if you are listening to playback, you have the "mixer" knob turn all the way to the "playback" side (far right). This "mixer" knob adjusts what you hear through the monitors (or headphones) from just the Firepod inputs (not processed through your computer in any way) if you turn it to far left ('"input" side).... to an all processed sound (what it sounds like from your computer, after whatever processing you do) if you turn it all the way to the right (the "playback" side). Point being.... if you are listening just to playback and you have the knob turned anywhere besides all the way right, it will be at a lower volume.

What kind of speakers (monitors) do you have? If they are self-powered (active monitors) you can run them straight out of the Firepod... if they are NOT self-powered (passive monitors), you will have to run the signal through an amplifier first and then to your speakers.

Also, with this firepod...can it act as a PA system? Like could I use it for live music?

Yes and No.... You can use the Firepod as a line mixer (with the "mixer" knob turned all the way to the left or "inputs" side) but it will not power speakers. You would have to go from the Firepod -> Amplifier -> Speakers (as most PA speakers I have encountered need external power).

Small PA systems usually just include the mixer and amplifier in one box.... so it provides power. But you could get a rackmount amplifier and mount it in a small, portable, case rack with the Firepod and POW!!... you have a workable PA system (with the ability to use all kind of effects and software instruments if you have a nice laptop and the right software).

anonymous Sun, 02/24/2008 - 09:04

Ok thanks for all the useful information. I don't think th monitors are powered because there is one cable and that is what I'm plugging into the firepod. also, I have a yamaha emx 860st..that's not considered an amp is it? could you point me in the way of a good amp or should I just buy new speakers. Does the firestudio have a built in amp? Thanks again for all the very helpful info.


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