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Check this out guys. here's my Anus! This is no joke by the way guys..that is the ORIGINAL ANUS!

Hee hee hee!
Opus :D


Opus2000 Wed, 04/24/2002 - 16:04

It is black..just not the face!! Umm...never thought to mention I had two removable drive bays for IDE's not like they're hot swappable...and the one with the two fans in's actually only one fan and in fact I unplugged it because it was so friggen loud..besides..there's plenty o air cycle going thru their to keep them cool.
Well, I'm off to see Leo Kottke....tomorrow night I get to go to my first ever movie premiere!!
Eight Legged Freaks is the roomate did a ton of the special effects and animation(Spiders and so forth!!) check it out
Legged Freaks[/]

Then Friday we get new couches!! When that is done and I "hopefully" have my PC back soon I can start messing around with surround I have been given 5 KRK V4's and a KRK S10 to play with!!!

anonymous Wed, 04/24/2002 - 20:15

Originally posted by Opus2000:
Eight Legged Freaks is the roomate did a ton of the special effects and animation(Spiders and so forth!!) check it out
Legged Freaks[/]

Cool movie trailer, it's about time H-wood finally put out a movie that as funny-scary as the cheezy thrillers I remember from my childhood, but now with great special effects. The bugjuice in the face when the cop shoots the bug thru the roof of his patrol car made me laugh so hard I think I hurt myself.

Tommy P. Thu, 04/25/2002 - 10:11

Mozel Tov Gary! Well, its really quite awesome that one of my all time favorite bands is re-releasing thier greatest album and your computer was used for it. I'll be looking forward to hearing Pet Sounds again. Congrats on a great DAW, this ought to prove the merits of it. And did I say Mozel Tov? ;)


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