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Hey i have been having some trouble with my headphones. There just a standard pair nothing pro.
My problem is that the cord for them is not long enough for when i want to record vocals so i have to position myself as close as i can to my mixing desk for it to reach. i am also recording drums soon so this will be a major problem.

Any way, is there a product out there that is like an extension on the cord or would it be better to get a wireless set?

what do the pro's use?

thanx heaps. A.J


RemyRAD Wed, 05/05/2010 - 04:00

You mean you are not interfered with when the batteries go dead in the middle of a session? I mean why not use wireless microphones in the studio also? Lots of my live recordings are like that. Who the hell needs any wires anymore? Where is my Bluetooth adapter between my console and computer?

Auto lighting joints?
Mx. Remy Ann David

Kapt.Krunch Thu, 05/06/2010 - 08:44

RemyRAD, post: 347637 wrote: You mean you are not interfered with when the batteries go dead in the middle of a session? I mean why not use wireless microphones in the studio also? Lots of my live recordings are like that. Who the hell needs any wires anymore? Where is my Bluetooth adapter between my console and computer?

Auto lighting joints?
Mx. Remy Ann David

That's just plain silly, Remy! All he needs to do is wire up the wireless headphones to an AC/DC adapter to avoid that problem!


vttom Tue, 05/11/2010 - 06:30

RemyRAD, post: 347637 wrote: You mean you are not interfered with when the batteries go dead in the middle of a session? I mean why not use wireless microphones in the studio also? Lots of my live recordings are like that. Who the hell needs any wires anymore? Where is my Bluetooth adapter between my console and computer?

Auto lighting joints?
Mx. Remy Ann David

When I bought them, I was dubious that 900MHz headphones would work very well considering that my previous experience with 900MHz wireless devices consisted of cordless telephones and a system for wirelessly transmitting video+audio from my satellite receiver in the basement to my TV on the 1st floor. Both seemed prone to reception problems and interference (e.g. from microwave ovens, Wi-Fi routers, etc) resulting in signal fade and/or intermittent static. However, 900MHz technology seems to have come a long way, because the wireless headphone I just got (brand name Auvio from, don't laugh, RadioShack) have crystal-clear reception with no detectable signal fade or static.

The other thing I was worried about was the 900MHz transmitter coupling interference into my mics/ADC electronics. Fortunately, no perceptible interference there, either.

I intend, for the moment, to do some recordings of violin students. Wireless will be a really nice way to keep the cable from getting in the way of the instrument, the bow, etc.

RemyRAD Tue, 05/11/2010 - 13:03

Wired headphones have been around since the beginning of time. I like things that are wired, hardwired. That includes microphones, headphones. While some musicians don't like the cords that's tough. You learn how to drape them properly and they are less of a nuisance. You are just screwing around with toy junk. That won't make a good impression upon anybody. Headphone extension cords and headphone amplifiers of some sort are generally in order. Not everybody needs to wear headphones. There are ways to work around not using headphones under certain conditions. Speaker fold back can be utilized, with a second pass done without the musicians to cancel out the fold back speakers. The preceding suggestion involves phase inversion on the second pass. It takes you an extra generation down but in today's digital it's less of a problem than it was back in analog times when I did it. You just can't beat wires.

I'm always wired
Mx. Remy Ann David
