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Hi, I do voice-overs from my desktop using Cool Edit Pro or Adobe Audition, a Eurorak mixer & various mics. I would like to purchase a laptop in order to be able to record when i am away from home - carrying the Eurorak & mic with me, of course.
Does anyone have any advice regarding the type of laptop that would have a soundcard good enough for voice-over recording without having to buy an external professional soundcard? What is the quality of the Apple laptops in this regard?
Any advice would be most welcome!

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anonymous Thu, 05/12/2005 - 00:16

apples are going to have better sound cards than a pc to start with but you'll have to get a sound card either way to setup the mic. you'll need something w/ a usb / firewire interface so that it can run on that power.

something like a tascam us-122 would be fine for sound card & pretty much any laptop that is 1Ghz or over w/ minimum 512 ram would suit nicely.