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I currently do most of my recording using the preamps on my Soundtracs MRX console, but I was wondering if I might get a better sound buying a seperate 4-channel preamp, maybe the Sytek MPX-4Aii ? (at least something in that price range)

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Guest Mon, 11/15/2004 - 06:33

Very possibly [as in probably]... but at the same time... are you making records? ...or doing writing demo? If you're just doing demos might as well just stick with the pre's in your desk and keep the tools out of the way of the creative/music process... if you're making records then I would highly suggest that you use as little of that desk as humanly possible.

Best of luck.

Guest Mon, 11/15/2004 - 12:58

Uhhh... if you're planning on releasing the stuff you record then look into getting something else ... if it's just for grins and to learn how signal flow goes and stuff like that... then I would seriously suggest you hold off on the purchase.

Learn to use the tools you have before you start adding more tools to the process.



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