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Hi Everyone,

Many musicians fail because they haven’t learned how to successfully promote a band. In this article I will uncover 3 vital tips you can use to promote a band successfully.

The first thing that every serious musician needs once they start promoting is a press kit. A press kit is basically a resume for your musical act. You will need to have a professional quality demo, a bio, some professional grade photos, booking information, a list of where you have played, and also include a list of who you have played with (especially if you have played with some major acts). Make many copies of your press kit, as you will use it to pitch yourself to record labels and submit it to a few big time venues.

These days everyone knows about using the Internet to promote a band. But many musicians don’t know about running a blog for their band, or at least don’t put the effort into running one. Search engines love blogs and you should use it to your advantage. Simply sign up for a free blog and post to it once a week about your band and about the current happenings in the genre of music you play. Link back from your blog to your website and in a short amount of time you will start having many more visitors to your web page.

Another great way to promote a band is to re-write your blog post and submit it to free article directories. Don’t worry it is much less work then it sounds. All you need to do is change the opening and closing sentence in each paragraph, and change the title a bit. This way you will have one original post for your blog and one for the article directories. The search engines love article directories as well as blogs but they want to see original content on both. So changing up your article a bit will do the trick. When music lovers are surfing around online you will have a huge advantage over other bands that don’t have a blog or submit articles. Music fans will read your article or blog then click the bank link to your site and check out your music.

As a musician myself I know how important it is to http://www.musician…"]promote a band[/]="http://www.musician…"]promote a band[/] effectively. There are many resources and creative ways to it these days. Use your creativity and think outside of the box


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