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looks like digi is recommending pt le 6 (for osx) to be run on a g4. seems i've heard folks with ibooks talk about using the mbox rig. anyone have any success running pt le 6 (osx) on something akin to a snow ibook g3 600 with 640mb of ram (and an external fw hd)?




gdoubleyou Fri, 12/05/2003 - 06:00

Not sure about PTLE but I successfully ran Cubase5, DP3, & Logic6 in OS9. Logic6 on OSX. On an iBook/700 with a 7200 rpm firewire drive.

It will play the audio tracks, no sweat. It's when you apply effects that you have to careful with the cpu.

Logic has a "Freeze" function that frees up CPU, allowing you to get more mileage.



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