I've been searching for a cost and space effective solution to recording bass into my computer. I don't have a bass amp because I'm a guitar player... I've got a PreSonus Firestudio mobile interface, [="http://www.mored9.com"]buy cheap software[/]="http://www.mored9.c…"]buy cheap software[/] which has 2 xlr/line inputs.
I was looking at the Tech 21 sansamp VT - If I were to buy this, could the signal chain simply be: bass>Tech 21 VT> Firestudio? [[url=http://="http://www.mored9.c…"]cheap software[/]="http://www.mored9.c…"]cheap software[/] Would that give me a pretty decent sound?
Otherwise, what would you recommend me doing? Thanks!
I use a Countryman Type 85 DI box. Using a high quality DI will
I use a Countryman Type 85 DI box. Using a high quality DI will make the recording brighter than just straight into the interface. It's actually better to think of it as being more 'accurate' while not using a DI box tends to dull the sound. After I take the DI, I sometimes track a second recording of the bass guitar through a piece of electric guitar gear, like a Tubescreamer, or Big Muff fuzz and blend it in underneath for some extra texture. This is not needed though, a straight DI is just fine for modern music.
Man I just DI my bass into either my DBX or Mindprint preamp and
Man I just DI my bass into either my DBX or Mindprint preamp and hit record. I'm happy enough with my bass (schecter). Any effects I need will be done in mix. But usually don't need any except some subtractive eq'ing.