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Roomy drum tracks

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Submitted by soapfloats on

I have some really roomy drum tracks that I am unfortunately stuck with.

I was wondering what I could do in the DAW to remedy this?

I canned the room mic, brought the OHs down a bit, chopped the tom tracks to eliminate bleed, and tried some compression - Still no luck.

Don't get me wrong - I like the size of the drum sound, it's just a little too roomy. Especially in the snare track.

Unfortunately, I think a big part of the issue is that the band insisted on recording live. I did my utmost to isolate the vocal mics from the drums while retaining eye contact (bogos, a ghetto double glass door booth w/ blankets & plywood roof for the lead vox, and using phones) - but there's a *lot* of drum bleed in those vox mics (esp. backups).

Any ideas?


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If you're using Pro-Tools you could run sound replacer on the snare track with a good clean sample that you like. That will make the snare track jump out of the drum mix, with the right sample of course. Also, I don't reccomend replacing the primary snare track ever. Duplicate the snare track and then run soundreplacer on the duplicated track, that way you can retain some of the nuances of the original snare recording and just "blend" the sample snare in with the rest of the kit so you can make the snare stand out as much or as little as you want.

Fri, 09/19/2008 - 12:13 Permalink