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I got a CME Matrix K USB unit the other day & have been trying to run it through Cubase SX, on XP. Everything is great until i hit the record button in Cubase. The lights on the Matrix start flashing & the windows dingdong sound of the usb being unplugged plays (by the way its not unplugged).

Any help as to why its doing this?



anonymous Thu, 12/11/2008 - 16:31

I'm thinking and thinking and all I can come at is either what Hueseph already said, that the device is whack.
Or, your Mother Board is.
Make sure whatever USB port you are connecting the device to has no other connectors in the ports next to it. Some Mother boards have two hubs on the board with like 2 ports at the front and 2 ports at the back. You want to use the back ones and only one. Try using a PS2 Keyboard and have the mouse connected to the front hub. If the choke is the USB that is.
If your HDD is giving drop outs it shouldn't be losing the device like that.
Tricky problem you have.

anonymous Fri, 12/12/2008 - 11:39

nah no usb hubs used. Im using a laptop so theirs no mouse/keyboard running through usb ports/hubs.

The main reason i want this to work is i got it at a runout price, so it was MUCH cheaper than everything else, which may not be such a good thing in hindsight

That review is what i've been trying to follow, but so far to no avail. Im thinking i'll just take it back or see if the guys at the shop have got some sorta idea:S