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so i am doing live sound and I'm about to mic a marshall half stack(fancy tan/brown tweed mesh) with a 57 in the top right speaker and the guitarist tells me it sounds better if you mic the bottom speaker because of the design/acoustics on the cab.

I didnt question him and just miked it on the bottom right.

Is there any truth to this?

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anonymous Sat, 09/24/2005 - 23:12

Did you listen to the individual speakers? I would think, being closer to the floor, you would have more percieved bass response. Since the guitarist is used to listening to the amp solo, this increased bass response sounds good and natural to him. That would explain his bias. The truth is, whatever sounds good is good. Also, having the mic low and out of the way should factor in a bit in a live settting...

McCheese Sun, 09/25/2005 - 10:35

Each of the individual speakers in a cab will sound a little different. The guitar player probably just has experience micing his cab, and knows which speaker to go for.

Also with an angled-top cab, there's more airspace behind the lower speakers I believe. Whether it sounds 'better' is purely subjective.

Reggie Tue, 09/27/2005 - 07:35

I am another one of those picky speaker pickers. And I also usually prefer the lower speakers on my angled cab. When I record someone else's rig, I check each speaker (with iso headphones of course!) to see if I have a favorite. A lot of times I do. May not be a big difference, but every little bit helps!

anonymous Tue, 09/27/2005 - 10:01

as a live sound engineer, you ask him:

"can you provide me the scientific articles that state micing the bottom is better?"

then you tell him to let you do your job :D

yes, because you never know what gives you your best sound until you've exhausted all options. And the best sound might not always be the bottom speaker cone ;).

anonymous Tue, 09/27/2005 - 16:57

LRosario wrote: as a live sound engineer, you ask him:

"can you provide me the scientific articles that state micing the bottom is better?"

then you tell him to let you do your job :D

Correction. As a "live sound engineer" its your job to give
the *musician*what HE wants, NOT what *you* want. Your
type of belief system of sound engineer etiquette is exactly
the type of ego'd out so-called "engineer" I despise. Furthermore,
no musician who hired you has to "provide" you with anything,
your "job" is to do your job: WHAT THE MUSICIAN WANTS, PERIOD.
If he says "mic my cabinet here" then you better jump or your
fired, bitch. You don't debate and ask for "scientific" proof,
thats a completely false and idiotic statement.

anonymous Tue, 09/27/2005 - 17:14

Jp22 wrote: [quote=LRosario]as a live sound engineer, you ask him:

"can you provide me the scientific articles that state micing the bottom is better?"

then you tell him to let you do your job :D

Correction. As a "live sound engineer" its your job to give
the *musician*what HE wants, NOT what *you* want. Your
type of belief system of sound engineer etiquette is exactly
the type of ego'd out so-called "engineer" I despise. Furthermore,
no musician who hired you has to "provide" you with anything,
your "job" is to do your job: WHAT THE MUSICIAN WANTS, PERIOD.
If he says "mic my cabinet here" then you better jump or your
fired, bitch. You don't debate and ask for "scientific" proof,
thats a completely false and idiotic statement.

exactly....the "idiotic" statement is just that. It's ment to be sarcastic.

And frankly thats your opinion. The musician can give you "input"...yes, but you come across musicians that don't know exactly how to explain what they want.

And rather than waste my time taking commands from a musician that knows nothing or very little about audio, I will (politely of course) say, "you just tell me the sound you want and I'll take care of the rest, simple?"

So rather than piss in the wind, you've saved yourself the humiliation of having a prick musician tell you "it sounds like shit" when you could of told him that a LONG time ago.

Each person has his style, mine just happens to be upfront and stubborn.

But yes, to answer your question sticker; traditionally you do what jp22 mentioned.

Don't take it upon yourself to be a stubborn/fighting smartass like me cause that dosnt work for everyone ;).

anonymous Thu, 09/29/2005 - 21:21

From my personal experience as both a guitar player and a (rarlely, but still...) live mixer, it shouldn't matter all too much unless the speakers aren't identical.
Of course, in a studio situation things are quite different, but hey... for live I usually prefer being able to go for the most comfortable solution, such as the mentioned kick drum mic stand.
The perceived difference should be rather minimal (if noticeable at all) for live purposes.