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This is the weakest link to my DAW. I need a good soundcard for recording, and advise? Are there any soundcards that would have a firewire input? Also I am hearing about soundcards that need preamps to work. I am not as compatent with comps as I would like, so any help for my dumbass would be appreciated.


anonymous Sat, 11/12/2005 - 12:50

What software are you using? Computer and OS? Choosing a souncard is not an easy thing, first there is input/ouput issues, how many inputs do you need? What kind of music are you going to be recording?

If your recording a live band and want to track everything at once but record each piece onto its own track then you would need a soundcard with several inputs.

I can go on and on about this but it would make it easy for you to elaborate on what you have already and what you are looking to do.
