30 January 2005
First off, I don't know anything. I'm totally new to playing with this stuff.
I've looked at several "trackers" . Modplug, Fast Tracker, Acid Pro ... and each of them seems to use a grid style interface for composing music. Are there any programs or plugins that allow you to write music in a sheet music style?
Cakewalk Sonar has a nice, basic, usable sheet music interface.
Cakewalk Sonar has a nice, basic, usable sheet music interface. I'm not sure what you're using for sounds. The term 'tracker' as I know it refers to an old dos based grid or text based sequencer. In these programs, you had to specify your samples and it would act like a sampler and provide you with a meand of playing back your samples. Then you mentioned Acid Pro which is a modern loop sequencer. It would be very combersome to stick little audio files o the screen for each note you wanted to play, so I wonder if you have a software sampler already. If you do, you can use it in Sonar. I haven't checked in a while, but Sonar may come bundled with a basic software sampler.
Did that help at all?