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I am having clocking troubles with Nuendo and my RME fireface and i am hoping that someone might be able to help. I previously used the fireface with Cubase and had no problems but recently upgraded to Nuendo 2 and bought a Digimax 96k preamp. When i installed the Nuendo and hooked up the Digimax via lightpipe and BNC, i started having clocking issues (clicks and pops). Shortly thereafter i had some terminal problems with my harddrive and had to install a new one. After re-installing all software (minus Nuendo), i went back to using Cubase to see if the problem was with Nuendo. Still had clocking problems. Next, i unhooked the Digimax. Still had clocking problems. I am now confused.
The Hammerfall interface is hooked up to my Dell 4600 via Firewire 400 and i have the unit set as the master clock. I cant seem to find an option on either Nuendo or Cubase for "Slave" under the clocking options, only "internal" and "bypass" (or similar). I have tried both and neither seems to be working. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
