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My apologies for the truly newbie question below:

I am trying to send some songs, in the form of wav files, to people as email attachments so that they can try their hand at mixing and mastering these.

However, the files are larger than 10mb, thus beyond the attachment limits of aol, yahoo, gmail.

How do people send these files to one another? I know FTP is one route, but what if the receiver does not have FTP? Does anyone know of email programs, free email that accepts unlimited attachment size?

What do people normally do here as I know this must happen alot?



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anonymous Sat, 10/01/2005 - 11:42

Do you have web server space? If so, upload your files to your web space. Then email the url to the file's location on your web server. Then they can download the file just by clicking on the link you send them. You can even password protect the folder that the files are in. Then no one else can download them.

ZIP compression won't help a stereo mix, much. The only time ZIP's anygood for audio is if the file has a good bit of silence in them. ZIP can compress the silent passages.