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sorry to be blatetly abusing this forum for personal gain, but the wealth of knowledge seems so abundant its like the first thanksgiving for me... any comments on the new breed of usb interfaces? more specifically i was looking into the m-audio omni as my front end and the quattro for midi and usb. their website said it was "professional quality audio". hmmmm.
what are the drawbacks if any of usb. can it handle midi and "professional quality" audio?


Opus2000 Mon, 06/10/2002 - 11:28

Is there a way to abuse this forum? if so how? lol
Thats what we are here for!!!! Abuse away man! lol
Anyhue, well it depends on certain things, what system are you on? Mac or PC? WIndows XP has some issues with USB audio but there are fixes for that..Windows 2000 with Service Pack 2 is rolck solid.
I have a Tascam US428 that I used to use for audio and it it has Midi on it as well..I use it only as a control surface now problems at all.
As far as the stability of the depends on the drivers..

anonymous Mon, 06/10/2002 - 18:18

One of my friends had a quattro USB and... he could not make it work. I tried it on my machine (Win 98se)
and it was a total let down. And what they wont tell you in their pich sales, you can't record 24/96 four channels at the same time.
I also installed and tried the M-audio delta 1010 in a studio and it works perfectly well and it is a snap to install. (of course, its not USB, it is PCI)
But USB? Well, its definitively not for me.

Opus2000 Mon, 06/10/2002 - 20:11

Well, if you look closely at the specs for the Quatro you will see it says 2 channels of 24/96 which is feasible but with only one output...that's bandwidth limitations for you.
Now USB is not meant for serious data loads whatsoever...products like the Delta USB or Tascam are merely for either home demo stuff or on the road scratch tracks or mobile quick recording..etc etc etc..
I have used USB extensively for a long time and agree the bandwidth is not there for serious tracks in at one time, especially for 24/96.
PCI cards are definately the way to go as data is more stable trough the MCH and ICH that way.
As far as the optiplex goes, cool way to get the PCI bridge out by that little switch! lol
Opus :p

anonymous Tue, 06/11/2002 - 13:48

sniff...sniff...opus i am broken. you hurt me. i am a fragile man.... :(
Yeah I know it is a total crapper, but it is just to get goin on and orient myself with the basics of DAW's. in china...
soon it will be good and i will be asking advice on your ANUS. bye the way, what the hell does that mean..? :confused: