dabmeister music
27 January 2004
I'm trying to partition a 80 gig Samsung HD (OEM) and need a very good s/w utility to assist with the partition. Is SMARTdrive the only utility offered to accomplish this? What other generic utility can I use?
Unless I'm missing something, this is a new HD that came as a OE
Unless I'm missing something, this is a new HD that came as a OEM product. Nothing extra. I've tried several ways to install XP on this drive but always came up short. Finally I used fdisk to partition it but only half of the 80 gigs got partitioned. I've used partition magic before. It's OK but I wanted something that'll get it done faster, without the extra stuff. I'm use to using the utility that usually comes with the drive. I like Seagate & Maxtor HD's, they never give me any headaches when setting them up.
I use Partition Magic. Why the partition? Bill
I use Partition Magic.
Why the partition?