looking at my brand new computer. My, I think, hope this one will be around a while. The last one very quickly went from great to a tired dog when looking a performance.
Open my mic cabinet and look at my Sennheiser MKH406. They stopped producing them 25 years ago. Still some of my favourite tools for spot mics of woodwinds.
What of my current equipment will still be used by me in 15 years time is my question. Probably not my computer. Probably not those cheap extra mics I bought. Probably the MKH 406.
What are your takes on this, what will survive 15 years?
old gear yes I hope iwill still be using my 1975 (Iceman/Artist
old gear yes
I hope iwill still be using my 1975 (Iceman/Artist) as it still is the sweetest sounding and playing guitar,(better than my paul, tele, strat etc)
After trying Mangos 18wt amp thats my recording amp, but the marshall will still be there, as for toys i,ll stick with the vox se unit
The Brauner VM-1 KHEs, Neumann M50s, M49s, U67s, AKG C12s, C24 a
The Brauner VM-1 KHEs, Neumann M50s, M49s, U67s, AKG C12s, C24 and ELA M-251s, Schoeps M222s that I'm hopefully going to be able to buy/steal over the coming years!
Of the stuff that I have, U87(hopefully modified by Klaus Heyne), AKG C34, C426 (probably, but I'm curious about its forthcoming replacement). AT4060 falls into the future classic category IMHO.
Behringer B2-Pro, but not as a microphone. Maybe I will have figured out what it is supposed to be by then.
Apogee Mini-Me will have fallen apart. Benchmark DAC-1, if it isn't obsolete by then. Perhaps I should say if it IS obsolete by then, as part of my 'vintage' digital setup.
Grado headphones.
I wonder if Neumann and AKG will figure out by then how they used to make mics.
Good topic! And my current philosophy. 1969 McIntosh 240 tube
Good topic! And my current philosophy.
1969 McIntosh 240 tube amp
My mics- I've had my radio shack PZM's for 10 years already :roll:
My Joe Meek SC2
Neumann V476B stereo rack, don't know about the rest of my pre's
My Adat XT *just kidding*
I'm hopefully scoring a midas board here in the next few weeks *the 240* so that should be around awhile
My yammy stereo eq and digital reverb
My muckie brick
I'd like to get a 2" machine after my adats die, so that could be around awhile also- especially if I pop for a studer.