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Hey guys, I'm trying to figure out the best way to get SDII, AIFF, etc. to my D/A's. Furthermore, I'd like to be able to use an IBook to do this. What are my options for external interface cards that have the proper computer connections and AES or SPIDF outs? I don't need more than stereo either. Should I just get a desktop and a soundcard? I'd like to know how the pro mastering guys deal with playback of computer files. I don't want to import digitally into my DAW, cause I'm processing analog on load in. Thanks.


Dave McNair Thu, 12/27/2001 - 04:03

Marc, thanks for the reply, but either I don't understand your answer or you didn't understand my question.
Here is the situation: I have a SADiE DAW and some analog compression, eq's, ect. I want to play back computer soundfiles just like a tape deck or DAT and have my dig to analog converters( feeding the analog stuff and then feeding an A/D into the DAW), receive that via a digital out on the playback computer. And_I'd like to use an IBook to do this, however IBooks don't have slots for soundcards. Get it? I guess I could open the files in SADiE and xfer to a Masterlink, but that seems like a lot of time to just get 24 bit files to playback.

anonymous Thu, 12/27/2001 - 20:36

I'm not sure I understand your question or my answer but you might investigate the firewire port.
I also recall someone making an external box with slots for laptops and sound cards,etc.
How are you obtaining the 24 bit files to get into your iBook?
Internet,CD,DVD,external harddrive?
Then again you could just refuse to transfer any digital files and do analog only. :w:

anonymous Wed, 01/02/2002 - 20:36

Digidesign is coming out with a new 2 channel usb interface that might work with the ibook. It might be 2 in and 2 out, not sure. NAMM will reveal more. You could hook up a sweet converter like the Cranesong Head ($3000) or ? even better conversion. You'll even have all th benefits of Pro Tools editing and the Waves C4, L1 or L2 is pretty nice as well.
My .02 cents.

anonymous Fri, 01/04/2002 - 17:42

Hi there!

Does your iBook have a Firewire slot? I think only the latest iBooks do. Anyhow, if it does, both Mark Of The Unicorn and Metric Halo make Firewire audio interfaces with digital ins and outs on them.
I think the MOTU one is called the 828, and the Metric Halo unit is called Mobile I/O. They both may be a bit overblown for what you need (they also have multiple analog ins and outs as well), but should still be cheaper than buying a desktop! Hope this helps.

anonymous Sat, 01/12/2002 - 14:50

I've been using the MOTU 828 for about six months now, and it's a very professional piece of kit, 1u rack mounted, with 8 analog, 8 AES/EBU and 2 spdif outs (but no MIDI).

However, it is limited to 24 bit/ 44.x khz or 48khz.

MOTU have just announced a 96 khz version, which is otherwise functionally identical. If you don't need 96 khz, then you should be able to find some better deals on the 828 because of it. You can run several 828s at once through a Firewire hub. I understand that the 96 khz version allows direct daisy chaining.

I'm using mine with a PowerBook. The current crop of iBooks are probably as powerful as my 18 month old PowerBook, so you should be in the same power league.