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Mic Polarity
A simple explanation about setting optimum mic polarity for live sound engineers and general info on polarity itself. Very useful info for recording.

This is also related to monitoring, room treatment, our sitting position between the speakers and reflections.
Whats interesting, regardless of this video focusing on live sound, there is a direct correlation on how sound moves, nulls and travels. Whats the difference between the bass player in the dropout zone to where are heads are when monitoring in the wrong spot, lack of sound treatment or comb filtering effects etc. To me, its all related to how sound moves and how we capture the best image of a performance. As well as emulation using digital technology to create that sweet grove in reverberation, delays, compression attack and release and so on.

Hope you enjoy these as much as I do.

[GALLERY=media, 354]Dave Rat - Mic Polarity Setup Part 1 of 3 for Live Sound Engineers - YouTube by audiokid posted Mar 26, 2015 at 7:05 PM[/GALLERY]

[GALLERY=media, 355]Dave Rat - Mic Polarity Setup Part 2 of 3 for Live Sound Engineers - YouTube by audiokid posted Mar 26, 2015 at 7:22 PM[/GALLERY][GALLERY=media, 356]Dave Rat - Mic Polarity Setup Part 3 of 3 for Live Sound Engineers - YouTube by audiokid posted Mar 26, 2015 at 7:41 PM[/GALLERY]

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