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anonymous Sat, 02/15/2014 - 06:46

what is it you are looking for here? A mix critique? Performance?

Most of the people here swim in more organic waters - tracks that are actually performed, instruments that are mic'd, etc. as opposed to midi sequenced material.

That's not to say you can't post midi/synth compositions; although it would be helpful if you told us why you were posting it.

anonymous Sat, 02/15/2014 - 09:41

It's not really my thing, as I mentioned in my previous post, most people here are more into the organic end of recording... tracks that involve real instruments, microphones, etc.

As far as what you posted - and to be honest I didn't listen to the whole piece - it sounds about on par with most of the other music bed synth-driven stuff that I've heard out there.

You might have a market for production music bed placement somewhere.