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Good news for the audio world. We are creating a native AES-31/ broadcast wave mode for RADAR 24. This will make Plug and Play a reality with other recorders and DAW's that embrace the format.

Judging by the comments from other manufacturers and users who attended the L.A. chapter AES meeting on the 31st of July I'd say that this non-proprietary interchange/ transfer format has reached critical mass.



Ang1970 Wed, 08/08/2001 - 08:42

Of course, now that we are arriving at some sort of standard, it is a beautiful thing. However, though the end user may be aware of the format and what it consists of, there is still little practical info available. There is a bushel of ProTools users here on RO and DAWworld, but how many of them are aware that they have all been using AES-31 files since PT5.1?

In short, "How does AES-31 relate to me?"

I suggest a series of compatibility threads to illuminate some real world processeseses. For instance, transferring files between Radar24 and ProTools. What is the most painless way to do a session in one and open the whole thing up in the other, tracks in tact? Not just the Radar side either, explain what is done on the ProTools side as well. List format options, etc.

This could then be repeated for all other formats - Paris, Soundscape, Logic, etc.

My recording experience with the RadarII was excellent. The tracks coming off that thing were like buttah! Unfortunately, the transfer process was excruciating! When a rush was put on the mix, we didn't have time to track down a rental RadarII to transfer tracks, so the temporary reference copy was used on the master. That temporary reference was an analog transfer to ADAT. :( I must admit that the SMPTE lock between the two went off without a hitch. But lord, did it sound awful. Please help me understand how AES-31 will eliminate the possibility of this type of thing happening in the future. I want to know I can take a CD, drop it into either one, and be up and running within 5 or 10 minutes.

robin Thu, 08/09/2001 - 06:41


In 3.1 RADAR 24 files can be exported as b.wav to DVD-RAM (which can be read by current G4 DVD-ROM drives), over Ethernet to a server or FTP, or even to HFS+ drives or FAT 32 drives with the new motherboard SCSI option. This is an intermediae step as we migrate to native recording in the AES-31/ b.wav format.

The DVD-RAM solution in 3.1 will allow you to export "track as file" to disk and then drag n' drop them onto a DAW application. Line them up at your start time and your done. Gentlemen start yourplug-ins..

Once native AES-31 is finished, RADAR 24 drives will Plug and Play with any AES-31 application or stand alone recorder. This will allow RADAR 24 to perform it's function as a high resolution acquisition and assembly tool, which is what it does better than anybody else. The resulting audio project will seamlessly blend into the workflow when other editors or HDR's are involved in the production process.

Let's keep up the AES-31 discussion, there is much to talk about!


robin Fri, 08/10/2001 - 08:17


The SCSI option will allow much faster transfers than DVD-RAM. This can be done to a Kingston DE-100 receiver for hot swapping if you have one. As a matter of fact you could install a 2nd receiver inside the RADAR 24 and treat it like an archival device if you wanted to. This would mean that your backups would be flattened b.wav files though (i.e. no playlist, undo's etc). The upside of this method would be that you would be able to mount your archives directly on a Mac (HFS+) or PC (FAT 32)



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