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Let's face it, all of us at one time or another have heard a new artist on the radio or a video and wondered "Why the hell are they signed and I'm not? They suck!"

What's your take on this controversial and subjective subject?

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anonymous Wed, 03/30/2005 - 17:07

Lets face it, its the public that "generally" dictates what gets the airplay or not. If a crap band has a big enough "we'll listen to anything because my friends say its cool" fan base, well that usually means that it's the bands/individuals with talent that are left with their cocks in their hands.

Unfortuanately i tend to think that the majority of punters who listen to the radio wouldnt know a talented band if it leaped out of their car speakers and shat in their lap.

drumist69 Thu, 04/07/2005 - 17:41

sampling/turntables etc...

While going through this massive thread, I noticed a few things. First off, there's the common statement many people make that turntables are NOT an "instrument" in the proper sense of the word. A lot of back and forth on this one issue. Someone pointed out that you can't play a C scale on turntables, then someone else asked about playing a C scale on drums...which is possible with correct tuning. Lastly, another mentioned that the "turntable-ist" is not creating sound, merely reproducing sound someone else recorded. Isn't that what a Mellotron does? So then, by that definition, a person playing a Mellotron is in the same category as someone scratching and sampling. This is touchy turf, but I feel that as long as something creative/expressive comes out through the speakers, its music - whether it was played on a trombone, a guitar, drums, Mellotron, or turntables.
PS I think we should bring back the Harmonium...what a cool instrument that was!!!

JohnTodd Tue, 04/09/2013 - 15:12

Warning: Nsfw content!

jdsdj98, post: 428 wrote: OK,
And the ads for reminiscent compilations on TV?


Something like this:

< / begin commercial >

All your favorites from your childhood, such as:

"...gonna smack my bitch up!"

And the instant classic:

"...hit me baby one more time!"

And who can forget;

"**** **** sonofabitch cracker ass mother****er bitch licking ho'"

Or the amazing smash hit:

"Gonna Kill That Nigger and **** his bitch."

All for the low, low price of your eternal soul, which you lost when you first started listening to this mindless crap.

< / end commercial >

Disclaimer: This post was not made in jest, nor was it made to be rude or obscene. It is to illustrate a foul and painful truth in today's music. Mods, please have mercy upon my soul, and my account. A simple warning and I will never do this again. :cool:

KurtFoster Tue, 04/09/2013 - 15:28

thanks for digging this old thing up. seeing posts from the people who have come and go and those who still posting here was a gas. i forgot about this one and now you have just doubled its life. what a hoot!

Kurt Foster, post: 449 wrote: Record companies are always on the prowl to find new artists who don't have a clue what is happening in the business. They do this because the artists will sign a deal that gives all the profits to said record companies. The minute the artist gets smart the company quits promoting them. It's all about control..producers that want to control all aspects of performance. They pretty much have most of it all sewn up now, the song writing, production and promotion. (Pro Tools) They don't want anything that is intelligent or thought provoking. The people who are able to come up with an original idea are considered to be "difficult". Just wait and see what I mean, Dixie Chicks (IMO one of the only good things out there) just held up their record company for a new deal. A sure sign that their demise is on the way. ............ Fats

It's my opinion, I'll play with it if I want to!

i told you so ....

[=""]Bob Olhsson[/]="http://recording.or…"]Bob Olhsson[/]
[[url=http://="http://recording.or…"]Bob Olhsson[/]="http://recording.or…"]Bob Olhsson[/] Pro Audio Community Join DateFeb 2001LocationNashville TNPosts246Liked0 times
Re: "Why the hell are they signed and I'm not? They su We've got to face up to the radio problem. Radio is only playing cuts that focus groups approve. The only material that gets to the focus groups is the stuff people have paid big bucks to the stations as what amounts to an entry fee. This situation really sucks but it isn't really the major labels' fault.

We all just need to find affordable ways to work around radio, Madison Avenue and Wall Street. The majors wouldn't sign Johnny Cash or Elvis Presley today because they appeal to too large a cross-section of the population for radio's needs. I think niche marketing is the problem and not a solution.

Also the overall sales really are down and big-time. What I meant was that the spread between in-store sales and others is still growing. Any "alternative" has to include some kind of a personal contact presence comparable to a store.

We've got to face up to the radio problem. Radio is only playing cuts that focus groups approve. The only material that gets to the focus groups is the stuff people have paid big bucks to the stations as what amounts to an entry fee. This situation really sucks but it isn't really the major labels' fault.

We all just need to find affordable ways to work around radio, Madison Avenue and Wall Street. The majors wouldn't sign Johnny Cash or Elvis Presley today because they appeal to too large a cross-section of the population for radio's needs. I think niche marketing is the problem and not a solution.

Also the overall sales really are down and big-time. What I meant was that the spread between in-store sales and others is still growing. Any "alternative" has to include some kind of a personal contact presence comparable to a store.

i liked radio a lot more when there wasn't so much focus .... you could listen for 20 minutes and hear all kinds of stuff from all over the place.

"Kurt Foster wrote:

I was always attracted to the genre (country)but the real turning point was when I met my wife. She is distantly related to the both the Lewis and Mattox Families, Jerry Lee, Everlys, Mattox Brothers and Sister Rose and one of her Uncles by marriage is a guy named Jack Trent. Jack played piano for Bob Wills, Buck Owens, Ferlin Husky, Merle Haggard, Jim Reeves and Patsy Cline to name a few and did a lot of Nashville sessions for Owen Bradley in the 50’s and early 60’s. I have video footage of Jack playing for Patsy Cline on an old WSM broadcast. He invented the [[url=http://[/URL]="http://adesignsaudi…"]Hammer[/]="http://adesignsaudi…"]Hammer[/] on technique that Floyd Crammer became famous for. I started playing country in a small band with Jack doing Moose, Elks and Eagles Lodges in Oregon. It was a great education. I wondered if he really did all the things he said he did although I kept my doubts to myself. Then one day Jack calls me up on the phone and says, "Merle is playing at the Fairgrounds today. Let's go over there and I'll introduce you to him." We went to the fairgrounds and Jack says to me "Wait here a minute." He walked right through the security line and knocked on the door of the bus. It opens and someone says, "Jack!, good to see you, come on in!" We got on the bus, I met Merle, Fuzzy Owen, Lewis Talley, Bonnie Owens, Roy Nichols, Norm Hammlet and the rest of the band.(For the unaware, this is tantamount to meeting The Beatles.) We stayed on the bus for a couple of hours, my wife got to play Merles Tele, and we all sat around until it was time for the show. Of course this was a real high point for me and I'll never forget it. Needless to say, I was hooked on country music from that day on! .... Just a short story.

Kurt Foster, post: 490" wrote: Styles,
How did I miss your post? Yeah my wife’s Father is from Bakersfield.. That's the connection to Merle and Buck Owens. Jack Trent was from there too. Remember Buck Trent on "Hee Haw"?? "uh huh! ohh yeah!", that guy? That's Jack Trents brother. "Little" Johnny Trent (Jacks son) was my drummer for a long time years ago. I had him out to the house the other night. He says he doesn't drum anymore but I am trying to change his mind. Jack is still alive too but he's getting very old and weak. Sure would like to record him one more time. Fats

Jack moved to Oklahoma passed away 6 months later, last year. kind of like a dog going to the woods to die. i think of him often but i am still friends with his son, Johnny (still trying to get him to play drums)
Fortunately i had the opportunity to get Jack to record for me just before he passed. t
his was his final recording .. k


KurtFoster Tue, 04/09/2013 - 16:39

spooner248, post: 403365 wrote: This may be the internet's longest running forum thread

"Did we land on the moon" thread on [[url=http://[/URL]="http://www.unexplai…"]Unexplained Mysteries - Paranormal Phenomena and the World's Greatest Unexplained Mysteries[/]="http://www.unexplai…"]Unexplained Mysteries - Paranormal Phenomena and the World's Greatest Unexplained Mysteries[/] in the "Conspiracy Theories" section is at 888 pages long at 15-posts per page (13,315 total posts).

JohnTodd Thu, 04/11/2013 - 05:22

LOL for happy accidents. I was looking up threads on how to quit a band, and came across this. Silly me, I didn't check the dates.

Still a good thread for follow-ups. Seems music has gotten even LOUDER and lyrics more debased since this thread started.

I say we should school any youngsters who come in here to this thread or RO.

Someone make a sticky of a starter DAW system that has some analog components. Not just mic preamps, but perhaps an analog compressor suitable for use during tracking and bus mixing.

A few free and not-free plugins, and a lecture on keeping some dynamics instead of brickwalling the mix.

It would be similar to ArsTechnica's System Guides:

[[url=http://[/URL]="http://arstechnica…"]Ars Technica System Guide: December 2012 | Ars Technica[/]="http://arstechnica…"]Ars Technica System Guide: December 2012 | Ars Technica[/]

They have the Beginner's Box, the Hot Rod, and the God Box. All at different pricepoints, of course.

Maybe we can inspire and help the next generation make music instead of noise.
