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AMEK 9098 Dual Mic Pre schematics (AMEK 9098 DMA) Schematics looking for


Hi all ! does somebody have the AMEK 9098 Dual Mic Pre schematics (AMEK 9098 DMA)
(without EQ ).

The Rack have not EQ but have a DI INPUT, I know the schematics is a little bit different.

Thanks for your help.

Please if you can mail me at this address if you have it :

Advice on a quality Mic Preamp for around $500?


Ive been looking to pick up the FocusRite ISA One classic, and am feeling pretty good about it, but I was wondering if there are any other mic preamps in this price range that can rival it or top it. It will be for vocals, not instruments at this point so Im looking for a quality preamp in this price range that can bring a microphone to life so to speak...



Just curious -
Is everyone still enamored with Sebatron as they used to be around here?
I'm looking at adding some "colored" pres to my classical recording stuff and thinking that these might give me what I'm looking for (clean when I want it colored when I want it...)


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