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Help me to Find out Why This 1 recording is Approved And Others are Rejected

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Submitted by CatMalone on

In Short: I submitted 6+ sample recordings (each 1 min long - by using 3 different mics - used a different location for each recording - recorded after 1 AM onwards) to my Publisher and he approved 1 recording and rejected other 6 recordings. I need your little help to find out:

Dynamics pick up less room than condensers? True or Not?

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Submitted by paulears on

We're having lots of comments that seem to be stating an almost 'rule' that if you have noises in your recording space that you don't want in the recording, then you go dynamic, and not condensers - and it's been said in many topics that this is an established fact.

Monitor selector after amplifier

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Submitted by COD on

So I have a pair of NS10's connected to my Quad 405. Now I am thinking of adding a pair of original Aurotones, the passive ones. Instead of buying another Quad amp and putting them both after the Big Knob, I was wondering if anyone ever tried to put a monitor switch after the amplifier? With the correct impendance of course.