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Help with Yamaha MG10XU Mixer/Mic

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Submitted by MC208 on

Trying to help a student get his Yamaha MG10XU set up for Zoom music lessons. Is there a way on this mixer to be able to send the microphone audio to the USB, but not to the speakers? i.e. he doesn't need to hear his voice on his speakers. He'll have a Mic, Guitar, and MP3 player connected. Here is the manual, thanks for any help!

Fostex mr-8hd

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Fostex MR-8HD
Submitted by jreederRec on

Page 68 of the manual says I can use pan when rehersing track bouncing to 7/8, but I can't make it work. I have followed all of the instructions (select 1 through 6 to 7/8, etc.), but I'm doing something wrong. Any ideas where I've messed up?

Extending Shure receiver antennas

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Submitted by AUD10 on
  • I would like to extend the supplied BNC antennas for about 5x Shure SLX-D dual channel receiver units.
  • I want to mount the antennas on a small metal plate on a wall, keeping the same spacing as the receiver.

Would RG8X coax be fine in terms of loss over around 25ft per antenna?

Due to cost reasons, the Shure distributed antenna system is not an option.

TC Electronic G Natural troubleshooting help and advice

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Submitted by tedsorvino on

Hi all. 

I recently found a non functioning TC Electronic G Natural unit, that i don’t know its story. 

I tried the voltages on the main board pcb and they were very low (2vdc and 3.8vdc instead of 3.3vdc and 5vdc respectively on the digital side and -11vdc and 11vdc instead of -15vdc and +15vdc, respectively, on the analog side).