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How to add thrash metal vocal effects?

How do I add reverb and delay OMG. I can't add anything to my vocals via vst because then it sucks.. so I plug in my two vocal pedals while recording 1 reverb and 1 doubler and if I do this then I can't use the compressor or eq because the effects are already there.. WHAT CAN I DO OMG how u add a delay which sits!!!!!  how do you add reverb? 

2. question:

Vocal chain help in Samplitude Pro X5

I'm trying to set up a simple vocal chain in Samplitude pro x5 using Aux buses but can't quite wrap my head around it. I have made my own templates in the past which typically include some midi drums sent to a drum bus, a couple guitar tracks sent to a guitar bus, bass sent to a bass bus, vocals sent to a vocal bus etc.. These buses, I send to a submix bus which is then sent to my main outs.


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