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Latency Problem / Vocals & Music does not match !


Hi to all forum mates,
I am using couple of recording softwares i.e Sony Vegas 5.0 and Audacity.
My vocals starts little earlier than the music and music running little faster.
This is happening with all of my DAWs.while recording.
Please help by giving an appropriate answer!
Love to all forum mates.
Hani Hijaz

Latency Problem / Vocals & Music does not match !


Hi to all forum mates,
I am using couple of recording softwares i.e Sony Vegas 5.0 and Audacity.
My vocals starts little earlier than the music and music running little faster.
This is happening with all of my DAWs.while recording.
Please help by giving an appropriate answer!
Love to all forum mates.
Hani Hijaz

Make vocal reverb sound good in mono


Hi Guys,

We spoke about the importance of checking a mix in mono recently in another thread and it made me think.
We all have our little recipe. I'm interested to read about how others do make sure the reverb on vocals don't partly disapear in mono.

Do you use a mono reverb + a stereo reverb ? Any panning or doubling technics or just put the level higher ?

How do professional songwriters translate their written vocals to the clients?


This is what I've done so far:
- I've written lyrics that I'm happy with (text + notes for each word + characteristics for the lines).
- I've layed out the melody as a fake piano ontop of the instrumental track.
- I've analyzed what's the most practically useful method of recording, to minimize the amount of vocal tracks to be working with.

Acoustic wall treatment or portable vocal booth (i.e. Auralex MaxWall)?


I would like to start recording vocals (just for fun/hobby) and I want to get the best sound possible. The instrumental tracks have already been mixed, I just need to add vocals. I've read some of the threads here, and I know that preventing unwanted reflections is ONE of the key elements paramount to a good recording.