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44.1k vs. . 48k

I am using the RMEconverters through an echo layla (sometimes the layla converters if I use more than 8 tracks) into Nuendo.

I switched over to 48k awhile back and I convinced myself that it was a worthwhile change, as it seemed that I could stack more tracks and the depth and detail of the mix seemed more enhanced.

PT MIX X PT HD @ 44.1k/24bits

Hi friends!
Seems this is my first post on this forum page..

I use PT Mix 5.1.1 with 2 ADAT bridges light piped to an 02R, mostly at 44.1k/24 bits. I know this is weird and hard to quantize, but assuming two different situations that I present below.. what are the advantages in each case, in terms of percentage:

a) PT MIX x PT HD both at 44.1k/24 bits


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