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Gear advice moving from DIing to recording drums & amps

I've been recording my band for a while now using my lounge as a studio, but that's caused some serious compromises - we've had to use an electronic drum kit and DI our guitars due to noise issues. I've nothing against recording this way, but it really doesn't suit our style of music, hence we've never been happy with our recorded sound.

Looking for selling advice

Hi, I recently purchased a white van and upon hearing about my new 'white van man' status, my friends decided to start pretty much using me as storage utility and amongst other things; someone who they give all their 'stuff'. I was given a tac scorpion 2 mixer and would like to sell it but have no idea how much it's worth, or where to start. It is good condition apparently... .

Need Advice on setting up a home studio and equipment for it

Hi there,

I am session musician looking to record and produce my own side-project, a full 5 piece heavy rock-band comprising drummer, rhythm guitarist, lead guitarist, bassist and singer.

We've got two fairly big rooms to play with, but we need some assistance choosing the gear, setting it all up and getting to grips with it all.

Here are a few details for you.

recording voice track advice

Hello, I am not a sound engineer, I play the guitar and sing in a band and we will soon record an album (as soon as I go back to my country), there we will record it with a sound engineer, but right now I want to record an acoustic demo to send to my bandmates what I've been writing, so that when I get back it will be much easier for us to finish the songs because they will be more used to the

Seeking your advice on Micing a mandolin (live)

Hi, this question is for a live performance. I play a mandolin and am interested in a high-endmountable condensor such as a DPA 4099. Planning to use a wireless body pack, which I'd plug into a stage mixer. Here's my question - I'd like a foot switch to attenuate the signal depending when I'm not taking a lead. I guess I can buy stuff and patch it together, is that what I should do?

Need Advice On Studio Equipment... Opening My Own Studio

Got a grant to open my own studio i have 40 Grand to spend on Equipment what should i get... Thinking about a Brand new.. Mac Pro.. C24 mixer... Pro Tools HD 9... Pro Tools HD3.. Accel core card.. i dont know about Mic's i have a Sterling Audio 77 it's done wonders for me already... Need a lot of help!