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allen heath

Allen & Heath is a company based in Penryn, Cornwall, England, specialising in the manufacture of audio mixing consoles. Allen & Heath also makes sound management systems for industrial installations and DJ mixers for nightclubs. Allen & Heath is now part of Audiotonix.

FX Bleed on A&H ZED10FX?

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Submitted by MC208 on Sun, 06/10/2018 - 15:24

Please see and hear the attached files. I'm recording a guitar direct. The guitar channel is panned full right, so I expect to see/hear nothing happening on the left channel (the left channel has a backing track that comes in after the solo) But during the solo, what is the audio being heard? Does it have anything to do with the ZED's built in Reverb I'm using on the guitar?

A&H SQ6 Digital Console - New

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Submitted by DonnyThompson on Tue, 03/06/2018 - 09:12

I saw this advertised in this month's issue of Pro Sound, and thought I would post a link to info on the new A&H digital console; @boswell I know you're a fan of A&H...
This seems to be a pretty remarkable deal for under $3500 ( (US)...
96k, 48 input channels, 36 Busses, 24 mic preamps, 25 motorized faders, (presumably the 25th is for the Master Bus).

A&H GS3000 mpu problem

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Submitted by Kevin Porter on Thu, 03/16/2017 - 19:46

I have a GS 3000 console turn of the century stuff. The Mute mpu board has gone out part 002-347-1 so all the mutes seem stuck off and mute and status leds are stuck on. No LCD. Everything else works.
Need to find a replacement or figure out how to fix it. The pcb makes use of a P80C32 40 pin chip and what appears to be a 5v power supply.
Any ideas?

A&H fader AI8117 verses ALPS RSA0N11S9A0K

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Submitted by vibrations1951 on Mon, 09/15/2014 - 11:13

I'm trying to replace a broken mono slider on my A&H wz3 16.2 and Mouser sells the ALPS RSA0N11S9A0K which seems to be identicle to the AH AI8117. I could order the AH model number through dealers like Full Compass or Spectrum but, at the risk of sounding too frugal, I really prefer to purchase from Mouser as I may decide to replace many and could save a bundle through them.

Allen & Heath Qu-16 digital mixer

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Submitted by Boswell on Thu, 04/11/2013 - 11:01

New mixer announcement from A+H: the Qu-16. This looks as if it's their answer to the PreSonus SL series, and it seems to have some advantages: 16 buses, motorized faders, recallable gains on the preamps , direct multi-track recording to USB memory stick or USB hard drive, dSnake and ME Personal Mixing compatibility.

I haven't seen any pricing information as yet.