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allen heath gs3000

  • Formats: 24 or 32 inputs (each with 2 dual stereo inputs, giving 52 or 68 inputs to the mix)
  • 8 audio groups
  • Twin fader, dual path input (100mm ‘A’ path fader, 60mm ‘B’ path fader)
  • 2 patchable valve (tube) preamps
  • The main fader path is always used for monitoring, eliminating the need for fader swapping
  • 6 auxiliary sends, accessible from A or B path
  • 4 band EQ with separate controls for sweep and cut/boost on mid bands. Rotary ‘Q’ controls, EQ in/out switching and routing via A or B path
  • MIDI mute automation with scenes and groups is provided as standard, together with MMC, allowing control of tape machine functions from the console
  • Solo-in-place and PFL
  • 2 studio playback feeds
  • Control room and alternative speaker feeds
  • Peak led metering on channels and 12 segment bargraph meters on groups and LR. A bargraph meterpod was offered as an option

A&H GS3000 mpu problem

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Submitted by Kevin Porter on

I have a GS 3000 console turn of the century stuff. The Mute mpu board has gone out part 002-347-1 so all the mutes seem stuck off and mute and status leds are stuck on. No LCD. Everything else works.

Need to find a replacement or figure out how to fix it. The pcb makes use of a P80C32 40 pin chip and what appears to be a 5v power supply.

Any ideas?

Allen & Heath GS3 16:8:2 Mixer - Preamps Quality?

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Submitted by anonymous on


First post. I hope I can contribute a bit as time goes by as well as picking brains here!

Does anyone have a view on the quality of this mixer's preamps? It's about 10 years old and no longer manufactured. I got a view over at that Allen & Heath mixers are generally well regarded but nothing specific on the preamps.