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Tyan Tiger MP 2460 or Asus A7M266-D ?

Hi guys.
i got my Tyan to work fine on my Dual 1600+ ..
now i have a friend that want badly a Dual Athlon System...
I have the chance to Sell my Tyan with my Dual 1600+ to this friend and buy an ASUS A7M266-D with a better processor.. maybe a 2000+ ou 2200+ MP...

should i stay with my Tyan or Buy the ASUS ? i always had ASUS on my computers and it R0XXX

Asus P4G8X

Oh boy. .did a search for the new Asus board and I found out a place in NYC is set to get them November 30th!
$179.00. .for the regular and 199.00 for the deluxe which has 1394 and SATA!
Oh boy oh boy oh boy!
Next step. P4 3.06Ghz with HT enabled CPU!
Opus :D

New Asus BIOS

hey guys...Asus has just posted the new BIOS revisions for the P4B533 and P4T533 series boards. This will allow you to take advantage of the new Hyper Threading CPU's coming out very soon. Supposedly these new processors are to be released this month some time.

Asus 533 Issues..

I'm going to build a computer for a pro-studio here in town. I told the guy he should go with one of the new Asus boards w/533 fsb, Rambus (he wants a gig), and a P4 Northwood. Someone else told him that This will have many issues particularly with Asio drivers under certain conditions, Latency, and Vst Instruments.