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A balanced circuit is circuitry for use with a balanced line or the balanced line itself. Balanced lines are a common method of transmitting many types of electrical communication signals between two points on two wires. In a balanced line the two signal lines are of a matched impedance to help ensure that interference induced in the line is common-mode and can be removed at the receiving end by circuitry with good common-mode rejection. To maintain the balance, circuit blocks which interface to the line, or are connected in the line, must also be balanced. Balanced lines work because the interfering noise from the surrounding environment induces equal noise voltages into both wires. By measuring the voltage difference between the two wires at the receiving end, the original signal is recovered while the noise is rejected. Any inequality in the noise induced in each wire is an imbalance and will result in the noise not being fully rejected. One requirement for balance is that both wires are an equal distance from the noise source. This is often achieved by placing the wires as close together as possible and twisting them together. Another requirement is that the impedance to ground (or to whichever reference point is being used by the difference detector) is the same for both conductors at all points along the length of the line. If one wire has a higher impedance to ground it will tend to have a higher noise induced, destroying the balance.

Is a TRS Balanced cable the same as 1/4" stereo cable?

Hope I can get a quick, definitive answer on this...

Is a TRS balanced cable the same as a 1/4" stereo cable that you can buy at Radio Shack? When I asked the people in the local Radio Shack, and in our local music store, that I wanted a TRS balanced cable, they looked at me blankly.

I want to make sure they are the same...don't want to blow anything up! :(

unbalanced vs. . balanced and my equiptment

i've read stuff about certain peices of equiptment being balanced and unbalanced and stuff like that. on my 8-track, fostex mr-8, I have two balanced XLR inputs and two unbalanced 1/4" inputs.

Now, I just got a mixer (Soundcract Series 1S) and someone said something that its pin 3 hot. I don't know if that's unbalanced or balanced...

Need a balanced A/B Switch?

I've just added a second set of monitors to my studio. I'm currently taking
the main out from my board into my original powered monitors (Mackie
HR824's). I need to send the main outs of my board to some type of balanced
A/B switch box so I can select between the Mackies and the other
amp/speakers. Does anybody make a balanced, stereo a/b switch? Preferably

How to setup RNC in a balanced signal path?

I just got an RNC, and I'm not sure how to set it up. The manual explicitly says you can't use it in a balanced signal path with TRS connectors. You must "unbalance" the signal first.

My plan was to use it in the balanced insert loop on my PreSonus MP20 pre. The outs (balanced) of the MP20 then go into the inserts on my mixer in order to bypass the mixer's pres.