Budget Interfaces just a question about a Lexicon i-onix u82s
5 April 2016
I have a chance to scoop one of these up cheap ... ... I understand it's a discontinued product, it does have available drivers for windows 7 /64 bit ( I have a desktop that will support it). I'm not finding much in reviews, The odd posting about failures and the odd posting about the dbx preamps having a limited range on the gain controls ...
studio vs. home recording (for my somewhat interesting needs
17 July 2009
hey guys thanks so much for all the tech help but I wanted to look at my music career from another standpoint.
I am 19 soon off to berklee college of music, and write and perform pretty much everything myself. This is what I enjoy to do, but with my latest album my biggest issue was dealing with my boss 864 multi track for the last time.
errors/pain/annoyance galore.