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preamps and converters- EMU and RME

OK, I took the leap of faith and got a UA LA610. The reason I bought it is that it was half price- used- and I figure I can sell it if I don't see an improvement in my sound. Obviously I will see some improvement, but how much with just one component is a mystery. I record original tunes alone even though I am in a cover band, so one channel strip is enough for me.

Newb question...can mic preamps be used as a/d converters?

Hi. Just wondering, I saw this in another thread:


This guy said this:

"I doubt you'll ever get a better A/D converter than what's in the API. It's about as good as they get.

Just a thought.


Does that mean I don't need d/a converters when running mics through, say, an API 3124?

Do I need an audio interface if I have a/d d/a converters?

Hi. Just a basic question. I have a PreSonus firebox and a firestudio. I am going to buy some high quality a/d d/a converters (Not sure which ones. Thinking of getting a Universal Audio 2192 for now, but am also looking at the Apogeeda x16 and ad x16 and an RME 8 QS M) and some preamps (api 3124, Neve 2-610). Do I need an audio interface, or do the converters work in their stead?

Improving my mastering chain: new converters

I have been doing a search for "high-end " converters.

I came across the Mytek Stereo 96 AD DA series. Anyone else using them?

I have already given up from the Apogee Rosetta 200, Aurora 8 and the 192 I/O.

Also, do you guys use mixed brands for the a/d d/a? For example, use a more expensive a/d like Lavry Black and a simpler D/a from Apogee, Mytek?

mixing outside the box using Apogeeplus digi converters

Hi I'm just mixing inside the box right now but i was planning on buyin a Neve 8816 summing mixer. My setup right now is an Apogeerossetta hooked up to a digi 003. My question is should i route out using the 8 Apogeeconverters; or used the 8 digi outputs plus the 8 rossetas, or is it real worth it to buy another rossetta.


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