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I need an ad converter

I have a Yamaha 2404 console and need an ad converter with about 16 channels. Iv seen a lot of converters and audio interfaces but most only have 8 inputs or are very expensive. I'm looking for something that has around 16 line inputs, at least 2 outputs, and a way to connect it to my computer (MacBook Pro). I'm looking for something used so I can get it cheaper.

New MOTU 16A ; converters, quality, web-based access

Hello All,

I am new to this forum.

I recently acquired a MOTU 16A. The unit, took a while to get setup and running due to software-based shortcomings from MOTU. Once the unit was setup however; after roughly 48 hours of tweaks, reboots, reinstalls and a myriad of bad words I didn't even know I unit is proving to be very powerful.

High-end AD-DA converters

I am looking at replacing my AD/DA converters box in my studio. I have read that EMM labs are the best per there web site.I have also looked at DAD and threads from various people state that the 32 track model.
 Then there are people who swear about Prism converters. I am looking for converters that are 100 percent transparent without modifying the sound in any respect.


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