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Best Convolution IRs available

can anyone tell me of the best IRs available to date? I have altiverb 4 which has awsome IRs but want to convert most of my work to use the built in SpaceDesigner in Logic Pro 6.4.3. The thinking behind this is because I want to make use of the new Node feature in logic Pro 7.
Can you provide me with any URLs where I can auditon the IRs?



Pro Tools + altiverb

so i am running PT Le 6.3 with a digi 002 rack, and i just got altiverb installed (i haven't paid for it, i'm demoing it first, thus i can't ask them).

when i open it with no impulse responses in the impulse response file, it opens and does nothing. when i put folders full of IRs, it crashes Pro Tools as soon as i try to use it as an insert.




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