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Calculating and Metering Total Impedance (Guitar related)

I am trying to calculate/meter the total load I am showing the pickups, but I'm a bit confused. I have a few mods in there to alter the sound of the pickup. The pot is 500k and wired with hot lead to lug 1, lug 2 is output and lug 3 is bent back and soldered to the base. I have 333k resistor and 1000pF cap between lug 1 and lug 2. I also have a 1M resistor between lug 1 and lug 3.

Calculating degree of phase shift bewteen 2 sine waves!

Hi everyone, Im new here (so hopefully Im posting this in the right place/want to apologise in advance if Im not...)
I want to calculate the degree of phase shift between two sine Wavesof the same frequency. I have the following formula (but cant find the right symbols on my keyboard (!)):

degree of phase = time difference * frequency * 360


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