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Computers and Configuration PC

Here is a noobie ?. I have a Gateway Core 2 Duo Laptop, and I've been reading all of the stuff about needing 2 computers/harddrives, and was hoping someone could give me some pointers about getting this HP Pavilion 734 desktop, that I pulled out of the garage hooked up correctly, and were to put what as far as software, DAW, etc, and what to use each unit for. I don't have much so far.

Is there a way to adapt older PCI cards to newer computers?

So I'm trying to put my old Pro Tools HD system in a new computer and the PCI card slots are different. I was wondering if there was any sort of adaptor or work around to get the cards to work in the newer mac. The computers are-
Power Mac G4 trying to put the Pro Tools system into a PowerMac G5 quad.

KVM switches, 2 computers, one monitor, suggestions?

I have a gaming machine/audio machine and I'm finally putting down some money for a Mac Pro (as my dedicated DAW) and keeping my PC as a gaming/internet build.

I'm looking for a reliable KVM switch (a switch that allows me to have one monitor display, yet have 2 computers hooked up to it simultaneous so I can switch back and forth but leave them both on).