CRane Song Hedd 192 Upgrade-and 192kHz in General
Is the CRane Song Hedd 192kHz upgrade worth it? I know its not that expensive but I am really not sold on the need for 192kHz. Thoughts?
Is the CRane Song Hedd 192kHz upgrade worth it? I know its not that expensive but I am really not sold on the need for 192kHz. Thoughts?
I beseech you, the denizens of RO to help me spend my money wisely To preface, I have read most of the more recent threads here with the words distressor & FATSO in them.
What I want:
If you were out shopping for a converter which would you choose?
Any of you like one over the other? is there any better? I'm looking to buy Crane Song Hedd but not sure. Any feedback would be appreciated.
Hi guys!
My config is Hedd 192 SPDIF to 2408 SPDIF
I am trying to sync (slave) a 2408mk1 to Hedd(master) via wordclock.2408 in HEDD out
I used to sync via SPDIF but lately I have problems and I am trying workclock.
when I am recording a stereo track I hear a lot of white(maby) noise on one side!
Hey boys,
Love this forum, despite the fact I'm more a musician than an engineer. Only been reading a week or so, but is it just us guys, or are there any women on the forum?
Hello, could anyone please give me their thoughts on the quality of the Crane Song HEDD converters? How do they compare to, say, Digidesign's 192 converters or Apogee converters?
Hi guys!
I am recording in DP 3.11 using 2408mk 1 and HEDD 192 at 24/48
thru spdif!
When I do that i set Dp to S/PDIF clock!
that way i am clocking HEDD to the 2408 or the other way?
Is there another way to do that with better results?
thank you all!
Anybody using the converters in the HEDD to record to the HD24?
What is being used to convert from AES or SPDIF to ADAT optical?
Hi there!
I would like to have some opinions about these two units: Crane Song Heidd 192 and Digital audio Denmark 2402.
I would like to know your opinion especially about the converters on its unit!
Are both smooth?Or better to look at Apogee psx 100?
Thank you all!
Hi Guys
Just stumbled onto this site--look very nice and professional
Does anyone have any soundclip comparisions of these type devices. I hear so much about how they add warmth but even their own site won't offer side by side clips