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Dead mic... What to do?

So I have a J47a that I love dearly. It died however, after sitting cold stored (-40s) for about a month in Resolute Bay, then flew here in an unpressurized twin otter. Now I am wondering what killed the mic; Cold (electrolytic capacitor?) or altitude (lack of pressure), or both? I would really like to get this mic back up and running. XLR and all is fine.

The CD is dead!

I've been selling CD's since 1997 and watched the transition to digital happen. I sell CD's via my home site and Amazon, but I also sell digital downloads on iTunes and Amazon via Tunecore. I can tell you that it's getting to about 1 CD sold for every 10 digital download sales. I used to get an order or two per day off my web site about 4 years ago. Now it's about 1 order every 15 days.

Is this sub dead?

My 15 inch sub used in my studio is giving an intermittant fault. It kicks in and out. Unfortunately the light for the sub is on the back and takes a bit of crawling to see (its a heavy beast to move) but I can see that the power light goes off when it silences. it runs through a 'kettle' type power lead and I have swapped this lead over so, its not the lead.


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