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Do I need an audio interface if I have a/d d/a converters?

Hi. Just a basic question. I have a PreSonus firebox and a firestudio. I am going to buy some high quality a/d d/a converters (Not sure which ones. Thinking of getting a Universal Audio 2192 for now, but am also looking at the Apogeeda x16 and ad x16 and an RME 8 QS M) and some preamps (api 3124, Neve 2-610). Do I need an audio interface, or do the converters work in their stead?

A/D/A Converter...

I'm looking for a somewhat specific A/D/A converter of comparable quality to the fireface. Are there any 192khz sample rate converters out there that have between 10-20 line inputs, and no mic preamps? I can't seem to find any that have exactly what I'm looking for. I might just opt for a fireface 400 and a multiface...



8 channel ADAT D/A converter?

Ok I have an RMEfireface 800 and a PreSonus digimax 96. Soon I plan on running both to a good board on mixdown. The problem is the PreSonus only has ADAT outs. The RMEhas ADAT in and outs. If I hookup the PreSonus to the rme, on mixdown, won't I only have the channels on the RMEto work with? I want to have 16 channels in and out. Should I sell the PreSonus and just get another rme?

Vocal Air/Sheen - Mic? Pre? Comp? A/D/A? All?

I record only my own vocals, no instruments. I'm a baritone, with harshness right at about 2k, singing mostly pop and easier-listening music. What I want to achieve is to be able to capture/produce the smooth, high-frequency air/sheen. I don't have the resources locally to demo recording equipment, so it's hit-and-miss, and so far, I've missed.