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Talk-back Ducking

In Sonar 8.5 (won from!), say I have 8 or so tracks open of the band.

How would I incorporate a talkback track that ducks out the whole mix?

I am guessing that it would incorporate a compressor on the whole mix that is triggered by the talk?

Is there a generally more accepted method? Thanks!


Ducking : A system for controlling the level of one audio signal with another. For example, background music can be made to "duck" whenever there is the need to hear a voice over.

Ducking bass/kick?

How often (often as in the meta-world of "mixing music in general, as a whole") is the bassline ducked behind the kick?

I would imagine that no matter the sound/genre/style it happens more often than not to control the low freqs without losing punch.

Any information on what situations really call for it are appreciated.



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