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I recently went to a local studio out here in Tampa (Deep Productions) and what I noticed is that when the RE recording vocals (4 hip hop) he had the artist do two vocal runs. He was able to place the 2nd run behind the lead, and thickin it up, but really without you hearing the difference in the tracks. in other words... if the words didn't exactly line up you couldn't really tell.

Vocal effects

Hey people,

Im after a rack based or software based vocal processor which includes effects such as distorsion, fuzz and so on with contol over chorus and reverb and so on.

Does anyone know of any good products out there suitable to be used with Cubase SX3 for recording?

thanks guys.

why does the effect sound different

i am using amplitube le as a plugin for Cubase le, and i set the effects the way i want it. after i press the record button, and play it back, the audio sounds deeper and not as bright. is the effect being recorded properly? i know that in order to hear the effect i have to press the monitor button, and in order to playback the audio i have to depress the monitor button. help please!


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