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need help setting up effects in Cubase SX

I'm trying to add a reverb plugin to the input channel of Cubase and have it set up so I can hear the effect while playing my guitar. if I hit record and play a riff the effect will print to disk but you can't hear it untill you play it back.

there has to be a way for me to route the input signal through a reverb plugin so that I can monitor it without having to record.


Im a new user with Wavelab 4, and I'm having problems when saving my .wavs..None of the VST effects i added to them, are there.. IT just plays the orginal recorded sample, w/ out the effects HOW CAN I SAVE .WAVS WITH EFFECTS? Is there something in the system config. i have to alter? Pleassse help anyone, who knows about this

Trouble identifying & mimicking sound effect (reverse ec

First off, hey guys, I'm new to this forum. I hope I'm posting this in the right category.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Here's my problem:

I'm actually a graphics guy, but unfortunately my workplace lacks a decent audio engineer, so (amongst other positions) I attempt to fill the position from time to time.