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Tags based around electric guitars

How do you all capture the sound of an electric guitar?

Plugins? Mic’d amp? I use a plugin called Bias Amp 2 for all amp and cab simulations which I quite like (although seems to sound nicer with my tele than Les Paul). I’ve also heard really good things about a plugin called amplitube but don’t have any experience with it.. What do other people use?

Shark Sandwich (a rock instrumental homage) — how is it? Thanks.

Hi everyone,

It’s been a while since I’ve posted here — I’ve been working on some new stuff. Borrowed a friend’s 7-string, and additionally used my tele and a semi acoustic. Drums were programmed in EZDrummer, bass programmed in EZBass and strings using Logic’s studio strings.…

Bass guitar, acoustic guitar, electric guitar ONE pedal?

Hi! Right now I have a Digitech BP90 bass pedal and I like the outboard effects because they are quick to navigate different presets with the foot and all. I also own an Acoustic and i'm planing on getting an electric.
My question is, is it possible to find one pedal that's good for all three guitars?

One Mic (under $200) for female vocals, acoustic guitar and electric guitar?


Hi everyone, this is my first post here.

I'm looking to purchase a single mic to record female (alto) vocals, and acoustic and clean electric guitar. My guitar amp is a Princeton Reverb. I know that I should probably get two separate mics but I don't have the space or budget for that as I live in a very small room.

Favorite Electric Guitar Chain

hey all, just helping my cousin out w/ some new gear purshases, wondering what your favorite chain is for distorted electric guitar. mic is a 57. amps marshall 900, boogie triple rec, peavey 6505. Tonal tendencies range toward slash/van halen/joe walsh, w/ the occasional metal style tone. acoustic, and clean electric already sound decent.