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Keyboard through fender proreverb?

the keyboard player in my band plays mostly organ parts but his keyboard sounds terrible. Nothing like the 60s bands that we are trying to sound like. Then at practice i put him through my old Pro reverb which is like a twin and it sounded so good because of the breakup. I'm just using the 1/4 out from his keyboard to the amp and was wondering is this harmful to the keyboard or amp?

help identifiying fender bass head

OK there this bass head at my church. this is all the info i know. It's a fender head. On the back it says Fender 100B or fender 100 bass. model no. 1001852.

Also it was being used with a Voice Cab Model V418, 4 ohms. Made by Thomas Organ Co. Westminister

That's all the info I have on both of those pieces. Anyone know anything about any of it? Thanks!


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